I get excited…

As much as I don’t particularly enjoy being pregnant, there are a few things I get excited about.


  1. Feeling our baby girl move. She moves A LOT! I am surprised sometimes that I am not bruised from all of her rolling around and kicking, but it is still my favorite thing about being pregnant.
  2. People give you stuff. I’m not a huge fan of attention and getting gifts can be awkward for me, but its really kind of cool that your friends and family want to give your new baby gifts. We have so much stuff!
  3. Lazy. While I try to stay active and get stuff done, I totally have an excuse to lay in bed if I want to! Sometimes being pregnant is not so much fun and things hurt or ache. I do take advantage of saying “My pelvis hurts. I am going to lay down.” It’s the perfect excuse because its the truth!
  4. I have bonded more with my mom. My mom and I have always been close, but I feel like we now have this huge experience in common and it’s such a different relationship now. So, that’s cool.

What better way to bring your family and best friends around to support you? As I get bigger and more uncomfortable, I am definitely looking towards the positives of this experience. As the due date gets closer, and I get more anxious about delivery, it’s so great to know that we have this huge support system and people in our lives that will help us and take care of us and be there for us!

I’ll just keep focusing on those things and get through the next 8 1/2 weeks!

What are some of your positives about being pregnant?

Thanks for stopping by!

XO Christina

2 thoughts on “I get excited…

  1. We are due about the same time! This post is so relatable. I couldn’t agree more with you on feeling your little girl move, when i feel my little girl move I just can’t help but smile! (and wonder how she finds the room in there to move as much as she does!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ya!! How is it possible to move around so much? There doesn’t seem to be anymore room!


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