Not to sound preachy…

I don’t mean to sound preachy. 

I wonder if when you have a friend who is pregnant you are innately burdened to vomit any and everything you’ve learned as a parent. I’m still new at it too!

Sorry friends! I should just hand over the gift and wait for you to ask. 

As a stay at home mom, #sahm, I find myself wanting to talk to other people… And since most of my day consists of poopy diapers, boobs, nursery rhymes (that I question are really for children), and planning meals, a chance to talk about my experiences in those things seem exciting.

Yes… I did just tell you how to get poop off of baby clothes… Using …. Yes… Laundry detergent. 

I’m sure you will be just fine and Google and Pinterest all the things… As I did. And I’m sure you’ll figure it all out on your own and you’ll ask when you need help or advice.

It does take a village… But it also takes the mom who knows their own baby and body and how they with to experience things. 

So go do you! And I’m totally available to give you my worldly motherhood wisdom whenever you’re ready!

XO Christina   

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