
That’s right. I said it. Breastfeeding.

It’s such a weird topic. Breast is best, but we shouldn’t do it in public.

There’s a whole movement: #normalizebreastfeeding .

I breastfeed. I have done it in public. In a restaurant. At my OB’s waiting area. In my car at a park (I would have done it at the tables at the park but it was to cold).

I never thought I would breastfeed. I wasn’t breastfed and I wasn’t around it. I have only seen formula, but I was determined to breastfeed for so many reasons when I found out I was pregnant.

  1. I wanted to give my baby the best start to life possible. This isn’t to say formula is a bad start. My sister had two babies, they were both really early and breastfeeding was not working… and they’re both great humans.
  2. I also wanted to lose as much baby weight as possible. While it may be a little of a wives tale, since I had a c-section, I thought it was the best chance I had to lose weight for a couple months.
  3. Breast milk is free. Formula is expensive.
  4. I was afraid I wouldn’t bond properly. That’s a story for a whole other post.
  5. Mostly, It was really just something I felt was the right thing to do. For me and my family.

Breastfeeding hasn’t been the easiest thing I have ever done in my life and many people don’t or can’t do it; so in that sense I feel privileged and lucky I get to do it. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t able to, but I do love it.

As Americans who pride themselves in our freedoms… freedom to bear arms, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, etc., why is it that the freedom to breastfeed our babies in public is a right people want to take away? Or argue about? Or have this continual conversation about breastfeeding?

I cover up when I am in public. However, if I didn’t have my cover or my kid was to hot or didn’t want it over her face, then the world will have to see my nipple for all of the five seconds it takes to take my breast out of my bra and stick it in in daughters mouth. I cover out of courtesy to others. Really, no one wants to see my enlarged breast. I mean, I barely want to see it.

I was at my Ob’s office the other day with my daughter and she got hungry. It was a full waiting area and the only open seats were next to a mom and her little boy who was between four and six. I asked permission to feed Juniper in front of him. Not because I think breastfeeding is socially unaccepted, but because I felt I shouldn’t be the person to teach this little boy about boobs. Juniper was especially fussy

I think social media has ruined our sensitivity levels.

In any case, breastfeeding should be a non issue. I haven’t had anyone shame me or look at me funny or disgusted. I feel bad for those who experience that.

Free the boobs! Find something else to be offended about.

What has your experiences been whiIe breastfeeding?

Thanks for stopping by!

XO Christina

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1 thought on “Breastfeeding…

  1. I breastfeed in public and I also use a cover but there have been several times I’ve been caught without my cover and my daughter was hungry so, of course, I still nursed her 🙂


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